Head to https://gitcuteguide.dev in order to sign-up for the mailing list to get sample chapters and also to know when the pre-order for the book releases.
Trusting myself to write a book about software engineering has been a long process that I wasn’t sure that I was quite qualified for. Actually, I’m still not sure that I am, but it’s too late now; I’ve already purchased the ISBN.
It was important for me to start writing a book about technology that hadn’t been oversaturated in the market and to offer a new perspective. From my experience, a lot of tech books focused on how to get into the field and how to just manage to get a job at a very specific niche set of companies. There was a small amount of these books that answered the questions that my followers and friends had about what to do once you already have the job.
- How do I get promoted?
- What do I do once I get that promotion?
- How can I increase my visibility in my company?
- How do I become a great mentor?
- How can I have a positive impact on my team, org, and company?
I set out to write this book determined to answer those questions through my experience and experience of a few of my friends.
So here it is, the announcement for those of you that follow me here because of my article about my previous employer: Git Cute: The Software Engineer’s Guide to Seniority will be available to purchase early Spring 2021. I am really excited to bring this to everyone, and even more excited that people care about what I have to say.